Weeks after the tornado, Deer Park counselors moved 2023

As a tornado slammed across the area in January, portions of Pasadena and Deer Park, Texas, are still rebuilding.

Janet Martinez and Clara Monroe have relocated their firm, JCM Counseling, following the destruction of their previous location. That is a day they will not soon forget.

“It was a Tuesday on January 24,” Martinez stated while detailing the horrible episode. I shall never forget that date for the remainder of my life.

As the storm came, both ladies were in therapy sessions with clients.

Monroe stated, “The alarms started going off, and Janet said, ‘Clara, we need to go'”

The gang sought refuge in the restroom of the workplace.

The destruction they encountered upon exiting was horrific.

Monroe stated, “It appeared as though a bomb had gone off.”

In less than a minute, the tornado altered their lives.

They practically lost everything. To recover, the counselors have followed their own advice.

“I have employed every strategy I propose to my clients. Janet stated, “I’ve done my own therapy with my therapist, Kayla.”

There have been some difficult times.

“When you think about it, you get nightmares and tremors at inappropriate moments,” Martinez stated.

The two have also gained knowledge. They lacked insurance when the tornado struck.

“Immediately following that, I purchased life insurance and office insurance,” Martinez added.

Martinez and Monroe replaced the majority of their losses with their own funds. In addition, they got community gifts and financial loans. The two moved into their new office in Deer Park on March 5, just across the street from their previous site on Center Street. There is further furniture to be installed and fresh materials to be purchased, but things are reportedly improving.

“I adore the new area. It will take some time for it to feel like home again, but I adore everything about it,” Martinez remarked.

From their professional expertise, the two counselors are aware that better times are ahead.

“I want people to realize that we all possess the capacity to recover. There is hope constantly. “I cannot wait to see where the future will lead us,” remarked Martinez.

Martinez and Monroe say they are still waiting and hoping for state or federal assistance.

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About the Author: Sanjh Vishwakarma

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