Benefits of Kratom for Health

Kratom: What Is It?

Kratom is a native of Southeast Asia and a member of the coffee family of trees. It is grown in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia under the name Mitragyna speciosa. The dried leaves are used to make tea or added to supplement capsules that are sold. Like tobacco, kratom leaves can also be smoked.

Read More: green leaf kratom

Certain health food stores, vape shops, and internet specialty stores carry kratom leaves, powder, and capsules. It is most commonly used to treat opioid addiction, depression, and pain. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, the two most active substances in kratom, function on opioid receptors but have less adverse effects.

In Southeast Asia, kratom has been utilized as a natural home remedy for hundreds of years. It has historically been applied to:



The diarrhea

cramping in the muscles

Much more research is required, even though these and other claims made by traditional medicine have received some support from modern science.

Ist kratom ein opioid?

Because kratom affects the opioid receptors in your brain, experts classify it as an opioid-like substance. It acts as a stimulant at low dosages. However, at high doses, it can provide an opioid-like pain relief. Kratom can become addictive, just like opioids.

In order to reduce their opioid use and lessen the symptoms of withdrawal, some opioid users switch to kratom instead of their regular medication.

Others, though, use kratom much like they would an opioid. They abuse it in an attempt to self-treat pain, relax, reduce anxiety, or treat depression.

Kratom vs. Kava

Growing on the islands of the western Pacific, kava is a perennial shrub belonging to the pepper family. Because kava root contains chemicals that have been shown to have anti-anxiety properties, it has been traditionally used for relaxation. These days, kava is promoted as helping with mood regulation, anxiety, insomnia, stress relief, memory issues, and more. There is no evidence to support other conditions, and the research that is available only points to minor benefits for anxiety.

However, at high doses, kratom has effects akin to those of opioids, including relaxation and pain relief. It can increase heart rate, energy, and alertness in small doses.

How Can Kratom Help?

Studies on the short- and long-term effects of kratom on the body are still ongoing. Thus far, scientists have noted that it can have a variety of effects on your body, contingent upon:

Its focus and power

Its composition

How you handle it

Other drugs you’ve taken

Any illnesses you may have

How it made you feel the previous times you took it and more

The effects of high doses of kratom (5–15 grams) are comparable to those of sedatives and opioids. It might ease pain, induce relaxation, lessen anxiety, or leave you feeling perplexed. However, if you take it in small amounts (1–5 grams), it might function as a stimulant, boosting your mood, energy, and heart rate.

High on Kratom

When taken in large doses, kratom can produce a euphoric or “high” feeling comparable to that of opioids or the THC found in marijuana.

adverse effects of kratom

Constipation and nausea are the most common side effects of kratom, however some users may also experience the following:




Feeling sleepy

mouth dryness

Some infrequent but dangerous side effects consist of:



Liver damage



elevated blood pressure

Breathe slowly.

Benefits of Kratom

The effects of kratom on health have been the subject of very little research. It has not been determined that kratom is safe or useful for any purpose as of yet. Some of the health effects under investigation are listed below:

Kratom for discomfort

As kratom binds to opioid receptors, it may be useful in reducing chronic pain. Thirteen times more potent than morphine is 7-hydroxymitragynine, a compound present in kratom.

Kraton is classified as an atypical opioid even though it targets opioid receptors in the same way as codeine and morphine. In contrast to conventional opioids, kratom selectively deactivates particular signals, which may account for its more bearable side effects; however, the FDA has not approved kratom for any medical use.

Kratom to elevate emotions

There may be mood-enhancing benefits to kratom. Kratom may be a useful treatment for opioid addiction, according to some reports. Some people use it to lessen the morphine and ethanol withdrawal symptoms.

According to preliminary research, kratom might be useful as an appetite suppressant and an antidepressant. Researchers found that kratom reduces mice’s corticosterone levels in an animal study. Depressive symptoms include altered brain chemistry, one of which is elevated corticosterone levels.

In another rat study, the hypothalamus—the area of the brain in charge of appetite and cravings—was inhibited by kratom supplementation, which reduced hunger. It will take more studies on humans to determine whether kratom has the same effects.

For opiate withdrawal, use kratom

According to some reports, kratom can be used to self-treat the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Additionally, it has been marketed as a treatment or cure for opiate addiction. However, using kratom for these purposes has not been approved. Experts need to look deeper into this to understand if it can actually help with withdrawal. Plus, it can cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

There is also a possibility of heart and kidney damage in certain people. You should not drive or operate dangerous equipment if you use kratom.

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About the Author: VyVy Aneloh Team